Friday, November 6, 2009

November's Monthly Goal

It's About Time!!

Well, I am thoroughly embarrassed that the last post I added was for our Father's Day Car Wash!! We all had a busy summer and fall and now I'm thinking about Christmas! But, before I get to that, how are your Young Women's in Excellence Projects going? I hope that you are taking the time out of your busy lives to work on them. I would challenge you to set a date to have your project done (maybe next week?) so that you aren't leaving it until the last minute. You all came up with some fantastic ideas and I look forward to seeing what you've done and displaying them on November 22nd. So, that's my "Nag-for-the-day"...take some time this weekend to work on your projects!!

Also, I would like some ideas from you girls for some service that we could do this Christmas season. Think about our ward and our community and see if there isn't a need that you think we could fill. You can email me at or just leave a comment on this blog.

I am excited to see you all dance at the Enmax next week. Let me know if you have any questions about that day. Our next practise is next Thursday, the 12th. You have worked so hard on this dance and I appreciate your dedication. For all of you "volleyball" girls, we will miss you but hope that you kick butt in your games!

That's all I've got for now. I hope that you are all healthy and happy and we will see you on Sunday!

Love Sister B

Friday, July 3, 2009

Father's Day Car Wash

I am posting this as a reminder of our "Father's Day Car Wash" tomorrow, Saturday, July 4th from 10am to noon. Please be to the church parking lot by 9:45am. I will bring the buckets etc. If you do have a Car Wash mitt, please bring that.

See you and your fathers tomorrow!

Love Sister Bee.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Personal Progress for May

We really want each of you to complete the Choice and Accountability goal for the month of May. I have scanned a copy and you can click on it and print it off if you need a copy. We are so blessed to have Agency and it is important to understand it and why we fought so hard in the pre-existence to have it here on earth. So...take a few minutes and read the assigned scriptures and fill out your forms. I hope to see lots of you with your papers all filled out on Sunday!! Have a great week!

Love Sister B.

Here are links to the scriptures that you need to look up for this goal. 2 Nephi 2 and Doctrine and Covenants 82: 2-10

Monday, April 27, 2009

This Week's Activity

Hello Girls! We will be going to the movie, "Forever Strong" at the Movie Mill on Tuesday night. Please be to the church by 6:10pm at the latest so that we can leave by 6:15pm. The movie runs almost 2 hours so we won't be home until about 9:10pm. Check with your parents and make sure that it's ok to be home at that time. I've heard this movie is awesome and I'm excited to see it with you all.

Oh, and we will pay for you girls to get into the movie, but bring some money if you want treats, ok?

Call me if you have any questions...(756-3757) and I will see you all tomorrow night!

Love Sister B

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stake Conference

Hello Girls! Just a reminder about Stake Conference tomorrow. Please be at the Stake Centre by 9:30 am to go through the song before your performance. Wear a spring coloured top if you can. I can't wait to hear your beautiful singing!! Call me if you have any questions.

Love Sister B

Friday, April 3, 2009

Calling All 8 Cow Young Women

I wanted to remind you all to watch General Conference this weekend. It's at 10am and 2 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. You can watch it on the internet at,5161,8584,00.html or you can go to the chapel and watch it there. I will be asking you all what your favorite talk was...and of course, there will be treats for those that have a favorite talk!

Also, for our Joint Activity on Tuesday, we will be having a "JOHNNY LINGO" night. I don't want to give out too much information, but it will be a FUN night and I hope to see you all there.

Have a great weekend, Girls!

Love Sister B